FreeBSD 10: Apply Binary Updates To Keep Base System Up To Date

To keep the base system of a FreeBSD 10 system up to date, you can use the binary update (freebsd-update) tool. Here’s how you can use the tool to apply binary updates:

  1. Fetch the latest update information:
sudo freebsd-update fetch
  1. Review the list of updates that will be installed:
sudo freebsd-update install
  1. If there are no conflicts, install the updates:
sudo freebsd-update install
  1. If you have compiled any custom kernels, rebuild them after the updates are installed:
sudo freebsd-update install
  1. Finally, reboot the system to make the updates take effect:
sudo reboot

Note: It is important to back up your data and important configuration files before applying any updates, in case something goes wrong. You should also review the output of the ‘freebsd-update install’ command carefully before proceeding, to ensure that there are no conflicts or problems that need to be resolved before the updates can be installed.

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