How to summarize detailed system resource usage for given command on a Linux or Unix

To summarize the detailed system resource usage for a given command on Linux or Unix, you can use the time command. The time command provides information about the resources used by a command, including the real time elapsed, user time, and system time. Here’s how:

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Type the following command, replacing command with the actual command you want to run:
time command
  1. Press Enter to run the command.

The time command will provide information about the resources used by the command, including the real time elapsed, user time, and system time. For example:

real 0m0.032s
user 0m0.015s
sys 0m0.015s

The real time is the wall-clock time elapsed while the command was running. The user time is the time spent executing in user mode, and the sys time is the time spent executing in system (kernel) mode. These metrics can give you a general idea of how much CPU and other resources are being used by the command.

Note: The output format of the time command may vary depending on the Linux or Unix distribution you are using. On some systems, the time command may not be installed by default, and you may need to install it separately.

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