How to fix Httpoxy a CGI PHP/Nginx/Apache/Go application vulnerability on Linux or Unix

The Httpoxy vulnerability is a security issue that affects web applications that run in CGI environments, such as PHP, Nginx, Apache, and Go. Here’s how to fix the Httpoxy vulnerability:

  1. Check for the vulnerability: To check if your web application is vulnerable, you can use a tool such as the Httpoxy Scanner.
  2. Patch your web server: If your web server is vulnerable, you should update to the latest version as soon as possible. Newer versions of web servers, such as Nginx and Apache, include patches to fix the Httpoxy vulnerability.
  3. Filter incoming HTTP headers: If you can’t update your web server, you can protect your web application by filtering incoming HTTP headers. For example, in PHP, you can add the following code to your .htaccess file or in your PHP script:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Proxy} !^$ [NC]
RewriteRule .* - [F,L]

This code will block incoming requests that contain the Proxy header.

  1. Verify the fix: After you’ve taken the appropriate steps, you should verify that your web application is no longer vulnerable by using the Httpoxy Scanner or a similar tool.

By following these steps, you can fix the Httpoxy vulnerability in your web application and help protect your users’ data.

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