How to configure Wi-fi+Lan bridged access point in pfSense firewall router

To configure a Wi-Fi and LAN bridged access point in pfSense firewall router, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Connect to the pfSense web interface.
  2. Go to Interfaces > (assign) > Bridges and add a new bridge.
  3. Give the bridge a descriptive name, such as “WiFiLANBridge”.
  4. Select the Wi-Fi and LAN interfaces you want to bridge together and click the Add button.
  5. Go to Services > DHCP Server and create a new DHCP server on the bridge interface.
  6. Configure the DHCP server options as needed for your network, such as the IP range, gateway, and DNS servers.
  7. Go to Interfaces > Wi-Fi > Access Point and enable the Wi-Fi interface.
  8. Select the bridge interface created earlier as the parent interface.
  9. Configure the wireless network options, such as the SSID, security type, and password.
  10. Go to Services > DHCP Server and enable the DHCP server on the Wi-Fi interface.
  11. Save the changes and restart the pfSense firewall for the changes to take effect.

That’s it! Your pfSense firewall should now be configured as a Wi-Fi and LAN bridged access point. You should be able to connect to the Wi-Fi network and obtain an IP address from the DHCP server.

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