How to find out why squid proxy exited due to signal 9 with status 0

The exit status of 9 and signal 9 in Squid usually indicates that the proxy server was terminated due to a segmentation fault. This is usually caused by a bug or a misconfiguration in Squid, or by a problem with one of the libraries that Squid uses.

Here’s how you can try to find out why Squid terminated with signal 9:

  1. Check the Squid log files: The first place to look is the Squid log files, which can be found in the /var/log/squid directory on most systems. Look for any error messages or warnings that might give you a clue as to what went wrong.
  2. Check the core dump file: If Squid terminated with a segmentation fault, a core dump file might have been generated. This file can contain valuable information that can help you diagnose the problem. To check if a core dump file was generated, run the following command:
    ls -l /var/log/core*

    If a core dump file was generated, you can analyze it using a debugger, such as gdb, to get a stack trace and see what caused the segmentation fault.

  3. Upgrade Squid to a newer version: If the problem persists, you can try upgrading to a newer version of Squid, as newer versions often contain bug fixes and performance improvements.
  4. Get help from the Squid community: If you’re unable to find a solution on your own, you can get help from the Squid community by posting a question on a forum or mailing list. The Squid community is a friendly and helpful group of people who are often able to provide advice and support.

In conclusion, finding the root cause of Squid termination with signal 9 can be a complex task, but by checking the logs, core dump files, and seeking help from the community, you can hopefully get to the bottom of the problem and find a solution.

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