How to wipe a signature from a disk device on Linux with wipefs command

Here’s how you can wipe a signature from a disk device on Linux using the wipefs command:

  1. Find the disk device you want to wipe the signature from by using the lsblk command:
  1. Unmount the disk device if it is currently mounted:
sudo umount /dev/<device>

Replace <device> with the name of the disk device.

  1. Run the wipefs command to wipe the signature from the disk device:
sudo wipefs -a /dev/<device>

Replace <device> with the name of the disk device.

The wipefs command will remove the file system signature from the disk device, effectively wiping all data from the device. This is useful if you want to reuse a disk or if you want to make sure that data from a previous use of the disk cannot be recovered.

Note: Wiping a disk using the wipefs command will permanently delete all data on the disk. Be careful to select the correct disk device and make sure to backup any important data before wiping the disk.

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