How to add new brick to replicated GlusterFS volume on Linux

To add a new brick to a replicated GlusterFS volume on Linux, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that the GlusterFS volume is stopped on the new brick node:
systemctl stop glusterd
  1. Start the glusterd service on all other nodes in the trusted storage pool:
systemctl start glusterd
  1. Add the new brick to the trusted storage pool using the following command on one of the existing nodes:
gluster peer probe <new-brick-hostname>
  1. Check the status of the peer probe using the following command:
gluster peer status
  1. Add the new brick to the existing GlusterFS volume:
gluster volume add-brick <volume-name> replica 2 <existing-brick-hostname1>:<brick-path1> <new-brick-hostname>:<brick-path>
  1. Start the GlusterFS volume:
gluster volume start <volume-name>
  1. Verify that the new brick has been added to the volume and that the data is being replicated:
gluster volume info <volume-name>

Now the new brick should be added and the data should be replicated to it. Keep in mind that adding a new brick to a GlusterFS volume may increase the load on the network and take some time to complete, depending on the size of the data.

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