How to restart a process out of crontab on a Linux/Unix

You can restart a process that is not running within a cron job by using the command line. The exact method for doing this will depend on the process you want to restart and the operating system you are using. Here are some general steps that should work for most cases:

  1. Identify the process you want to restart. You can do this using the ps command to see a list of all running processes, or the top or htop commands to view processes in a more user-friendly format.

  2. Stop the process using the appropriate command. For example, you can use the kill command to stop a process by PID, or the pkill command to stop a process by name.

  3. Start the process again using the appropriate command. This could be the name of the executable, or a script or command that starts the process.

It is also a good idea to check the process documentation or manual pages for information on how to restart the process in question.

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