How to create AWS ec2 key using Ansible

Here’s how to create an EC2 key using Ansible:

  1. Install the AWS CLI: To use Ansible with AWS, you need to have the AWS CLI installed. You can install it using the following command:
pip install awscli
  1. Configure the AWS CLI: You need to configure the AWS CLI with your AWS credentials. You can do this by running the following command:
aws configure
  1. Install the EC2 module in Ansible: You can install the EC2 module in Ansible using the following command:
ansible-galaxy install ansible.module_utils.ec2
  1. Create a Key Pair: To create a key pair in EC2, you can use the following Ansible playbook:
- name: Create EC2 Key Pair
hosts: localhost
- name: Create EC2 Key Pair
name: my_key_pair
region: us-west-2
register: key_pair
- name: Save Key Pair to File
content: "{{ key_pair.key.private_key }}"
dest: "~/my_key_pair.pem"
mode: 0400

This playbook will create a key pair named my_key_pair in the us-west-2 region, and save the private key to a file named my_key_pair.pem in the home directory of the user running the playbook.

These steps should help you create an EC2 key using Ansible. Keep in mind that you should always securely store the private key, as it is used to access the EC2 instances associated with the key pair.

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