How to install and set up LXD on Fedora Linux server

Here are the steps to install and set up LXD on Fedora Linux server:

  1. Install LXD: To install LXD on Fedora, you can use the following command:
    sudo dnf install lxd
  2. Initialize LXD: After installing LXD, you need to initialize it with the following command:
    sudo lxd init

    This command will guide you through the process of setting up LXD, including network configuration, storage backend, and user privileges.

  3. Start LXD: Once LXD has been initialized, start the LXD service using the following command:
    sudo systemctl start lxd
  4. Configure Firewall: If you have a firewall enabled on your Fedora server, you need to configure it to allow LXD traffic. You can do this by running the following command:
    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=8443/tcp
    sudo firewall-cmd --reload
  5. Launch a Container: To launch a container using LXD, use the following command:
    lxc launch images:<distro>/<release> <container_name>

    Replace <distro> and <release> with the desired distribution and release, and <container_name> with the desired name for the container.

  6. Connect to the Container: To connect to the container, use the following command:
    lxc exec <container_name> bash

These are the basic steps to install and set up LXD on Fedora Linux server. You can now start using LXD to manage containers on your Fedora server.

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