Linux copy and clone USB stick including partitions command

There are several ways to copy and clone a USB stick, including its partitions, on a Linux system. Two common methods are using the dd command or the ddrescue command.

  1. Using dd: The dd command can be used to create an exact copy of a USB stick, including its partitions, on another USB stick or a file.
dd if=/dev/sdx of=/dev/sdy

Where /dev/sdx is the source USB stick and /dev/sdy is the destination USB stick or file. It’s important to note that the dd command is a powerful tool that can be dangerous if used incorrectly, so be sure to double-check the source and destination before running the command.

  1. Using ddrescue: ddrescue is a tool similar to dd that is designed to recover data from damaged media.
ddrescue /dev/sdx /dev/sdy

Where /dev/sdx is the source USB stick and /dev/sdy is the destination USB stick.

You can also use other tools like dcfldd or gddrescue or use GUI based tools like gnome-disks or gparted to achieve the same task.

In all cases, it is important to make sure that the destination USB stick is the same size or larger than the source USB stick. Also, it is always recommended to backup important data before making any change to the USB stick, as the process may corrupt or delete data.

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