How to remove hidden files in Linux

n Linux, hidden files are files that begin with a dot (.) character. To remove hidden files in Linux, you can use the rm command with the -r flag to recursively remove the files and the -f flag to force removal.

Here is an example command that removes all hidden files in the current directory:

rm -rf .*

You can also use the find command to remove hidden files in a specific directory:

find /path/to/directory -name ".*" -exec rm -rf {} \;

Please be careful when using these commands, as they will remove the files without any confirmation and they cannot be recovered.

Alternatively, you can use the ls -la command to show the hidden files and directories in the current directory and then use the rm command to remove the specific file or directory.

You can also use ls -ld .* to show the hidden files and directories in the current directory and then use the rm command to remove the specific file or directory.

Also, be aware that the ls -la command will not display hidden files in the parent directory, so you need to use ls -la .. to see those.

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