Install Chromium browser in Fedora 29 using dnf command

To install Chromium browser in Fedora 29 using the dnf command, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal and update the package list by running the command:
sudo dnf update
  1. Add the Chromium browser package repository to your system by running the command:
sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo=
  1. Install the Chromium browser package by running the command:
sudo dnf install chromium-browser
  1. Once the installation is complete, you can start Chromium browser by running the command:

You can also use the dnf search command to look for the package before installing.

dnf search chromium

Please note that this is not an official package from the Fedora Project and it may not be updated as frequently as the official packages.

You can also use the chromium package instead of chromium-browser package, it’s provided by the official Fedora repository.

sudo dnf install chromium

After the installation, you can start Chromium browser by running the command chromium

Please note that this is not an official package from the Fedora Project and it may not be updated as frequently as the official packages.

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