How to install htop on Alpine Linux using apk

htop is a process monitoring tool that is similar to the top command, but with additional features such as the ability to scroll vertically and horizontally through the process list and the ability to sort processes by various criteria.

To install htop on Alpine Linux using the apk package manager, you can use the following command:

sudo apk add htop

This command will download and install the htop package and its dependencies on your Alpine Linux system.

Once the installation is complete, you can start htop by running the following command:


You can also run htop with super user permission:

sudo htop

This will open htop’s user interface in your terminal, where you can view and manage processes running on your system.

It’s worth noting that Alpine Linux uses a package manager called apk, which is different than the package managers used by other Linux distributions. So, if you are familiar with other package managers like apt or yum, you may want to familiarize yourself with the basic usage of apk before using it.

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