How to check disk space on Unix servers

There are several commands that can be used to check disk space on Unix servers. Some common ones include:

  1. df -h: This command shows the file system disk space usage in human-readable format. It shows the total, used and available space on each file system.
  2. du -sh: This command shows the disk space usage for a specific directory or file in human-readable format. It shows the total disk space consumed by the directory or file in question.
  3. ncdu: It’s a disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface. It provides a fast way to see where your disk space is being used.
  4. baobab: Baobab is a graphical disk usage analyzer for the GNOME desktop environment. It allows you to easily visualize the disk usage for a directory or file.
  5. fdisk -l : Gives you detailed information about all the partitions and disk on your system.
  6. lsblk : List the block devices in a tree-like format.

It is important to note that the specific command used may vary depending on the Unix operating system you are using.

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