Fedora Linux install vnstat network traffic monitor

You can install vnStat on Fedora Linux using the following steps:

  1. Install vnStat package: To install vnStat, use the following command:
sudo dnf install vnstat
  1. Create a database: Once the installation is complete, create a database for vnStat to store the network traffic data by running the following command:
sudo vnstat -u -i <interface>

Replace <interface> with the network interface you want to monitor, for example eth0 or wlan0.

  1. Start the service: Start the vnStat service using the following command:
sudo systemctl start vnstat
  1. Enable the service: To make sure vnStat starts at boot, use the following command:
sudo systemctl enable vnstat
  1. Check status: To check the status of the vnStat service use the following command:
sudo systemctl status vnstat
  1. Check traffic: To check network traffic, use the following command:
  1. Use web interface: vnStat also provides a web interface that can be accessed via http://<hostname>/vnstat/. You can install vnStat PHP frontend to access it via web.
  2. Configure vnStat: You can configure vnStat by editing the configuration file located at /etc/vnstat.conf.

You should now be able to monitor your network traffic using vnStat on Fedora Linux.

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