How to test and validate DNSSEC using dig command line

To test and validate DNSSEC using the dig command line, you can use the +dnssec option to check the DNSSEC status of a domain. Here’s an example:

dig +dnssec

This will return the DNS record for the domain along with the DNSSEC-related information such as the RRSIG, DNSKEY, and DS records.

To validate the DNSSEC signature, you can use the +sigchase option. This will recursively check all DNSSEC signatures of all records in the response and validate them.

dig +sigchase

You can also use the +multi option to check multiple DNS servers for DNSSEC validation.

dig +dnssec +multi +sigchase @

You should see a status of “secure” or “insecure” in the dig output, indicating the DNSSEC validation status. If the query fails to validate, the status will be “bogus”.

Note: you may need to install dnsutils package in some distributions to use the dig command.

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