OpenSUSE install sudo to execute commands as root

On OpenSUSE, you can install the sudo package to allow users to execute commands as the root user. Here are the steps to do this:

  1. Open a terminal window and log in as the root user by running the command su and entering the root password.
  2. Update the package index by running the command zypper refresh.
  3. Install the sudo package by running the command zypper install sudo.
  4. After the installation is complete, you can use the sudo command to execute commands as the root user. For example, to update the system, you would run the command sudo zypper update.
  5. By default, the root user is the only user that can use the sudo command. To give other users the ability to use the sudo command, you need to add them to the sudoers file by running the command visudo and add the user to the file.
  6. To add a user to the sudoers file, append the following line at the end of the file, replacing <username> with the actual username:
<username> ALL=(ALL) ALL
  1. Save the changes and exit the editor.
  2. Log out and log back in as the user you added to the sudoers file to verify that they can now use the sudo command.

It’s important to note that giving users the ability to use the sudo command also gives them the ability to execute any command as the root user. So, it’s recommended that you only add users that you trust to the sudoers file.

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