How to Upgrade Fedora 31 to Fedora 32 using the CLI

Upgrading Fedora 31 to Fedora 32 using the command line interface (CLI) can be done by following these steps:

  1. First, ensure that your current Fedora 31 installation is up-to-date by running the command:
sudo dnf update
  1. Next, you need to install the fedora-upgrade package by running the command:
sudo dnf install fedora-upgrade
  1. Now, you can start the upgrade process by running the command:
sudo fedora-upgrade
  1. The above command will start the upgrade process, and it will check for the latest version of Fedora available, it will download the necessary packages, and it will prompt you to confirm the upgrade.
  2. After confirming the upgrade, the process will begin. This can take some time, depending on your internet connection and the amount of data that needs to be downloaded. You should be able to see the progress of the upgrade on the screen.
  3. When the upgrade process is completed, it will prompt you to reboot your system.
  4. After rebooting, you can confirm that your system has been upgraded to Fedora 32 by running the command:
cat /etc/fedora-release
  1. Finally, you should run a full system update after the upgrade process, by running the command:
sudo dnf update

It’s important to note that, before upgrading, it is always a good practice to create a backup of your important data, or to take a snapshot of your current system if you are using a virtual machine. Also, ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements for Fedora 32 and that you have enough free disk space.

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