How To Run a Script In Linux

There are several ways to run a script in Linux, depending on the type of script and the desired execution environment. Here are a few examples:

  1. To run a shell script, you can make the script executable by running chmod +x and then execute the script by running ./
  2. To run a Python script, you can use the command python If you have multiple versions of Python installed, you may need to use python3 to run the script with Python 3.
  3. To run a script as a background process, you can use the nohup command. For example, nohup python &
  4. To run a script on startup, you can put your script in the init.d folder, and create a symlink to it in the rc.d folder.
  5. To run a script as a cron job, you can use the crontab command. Edit the crontab file by running crontab -e and add a new line to schedule the script.

It’s important to note that the script should have the appropriate permissions to run. You can check the permission by running ls -l command and you should see -rwxrwxrwx or -rwxr-xr-x in the output. And also make sure the script is written in correct format and all the commands are working as expected.

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