nmap Command: Scan A Single IP Address or Host

To use the nmap command to scan a single IP address or host, you can use the following syntax:

nmap <IP address or hostname>

For example, to scan the IP address, you would use the command:


Or to scan a hostname, for example, “example.com”, you would use the command:

nmap example.com

The nmap command will return information about the open ports and services on the target host. By default, nmap will perform a “SYN stealth” scan, which is less likely to be detected by firewalls and intrusion detection systems.

You can also specify the type of scan you want to run using the -sS, -sT, -sU, -sA, -sW, -sM, and -sN options.

You can also specify the ports you want to scan using the -p option, for example, to scan only ports 80 and 443 on the host “example.com” you would use the command:

nmap -p 80,443 example.com

You can also use the -oN option to save the output to a file, for example:

nmap -oN scan_results.txt example.com

This will save the scan results to a file named scan_results.txt in the current directory.

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