How to fix Page indexing google search console Crawled – currently not indexed

If you see a message in Google Search Console that a page has been “Crawled – currently not indexed,” it means that Google’s crawler (also known as a “bot”) has successfully accessed the page, but for some reason, the page is not being included in the Google index. Here are a few steps you can take to try to fix this issue:

  1. Check for crawl errors: Go to the Crawl Errors report in Search Console to see if there are any crawl errors for the page. If so, fix the errors and submit the page for re-indexing.
  2. Check for noindex tags: Check the source code of the page to see if there is a “noindex” meta tag in the head section. This tag tells search engines not to index the page. If you find one, remove it and submit the page for re-indexing.
  3. Check for robots.txt block: Check the robots.txt file to see if the page is blocked from being indexed. If it is, remove the block and submit the page for re-indexing.
  4. Check for canonicalization issues: Make sure that the page does not have multiple URLs pointing to the same content.
  5. Check for content duplication: Make sure that the page’s content is not duplicated or copied from other sites.
  6. Use Google Search Console’s Fetch as Google feature to request indexing of the page
  7. If none of above solution works, you can submit a request to remove the URL from Google’s index via the URL removal tool in the Search Console.

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