How to Install PHP on OpenSUSE 15.2/15.1

OpenSUSE is a Linux distribution that uses the YaST package manager to manage software packages. Here’s how you can install PHP on OpenSUSE 15.2/15.1:

  1. First, open the terminal and update the package repository by running the command “sudo zypper refresh”
  2. Next, install the PHP package by running the command “sudo zypper install php7” or “sudo zypper install php8” (if you want to install php8)
  3. Once the installation is complete, you can check the version of PHP by running the command “php -v”
  4. You can also use the command “zypper se -s php” to search for available PHP packages, and you can install the packages you need by running the command “sudo zypper install package_name”
  5. After installing PHP, you will need to configure the web server to use PHP. If you are using Apache, you will need to install the Apache PHP module by running the command “sudo zypper install apache2-mod_php7” or “sudo zypper install apache2-mod_php8”
  6. Once the Apache PHP module is installed, you will need to enable the module by running the command “sudo a2enmod php7” or “sudo a2enmod php8”
  7. Finally, you will need to restart Apache to load the new PHP module by running the command “sudo systemctl restart apache2”

It’s important to note that, OpenSUSE is a rolling release distribution, which means that it’s always up-to-date with the latest software versions, so it’s recommended to check the PHP version

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