How to show dropped packets per interface on Linux

Installing dnscrypt-proxy with an ad-blocker on Linux can be done by following these steps:

  1. Start by installing dnscrypt-proxy by following the instructions on the official website, this could vary depending on the distribution you are using.
  2. Next, you will need to install an ad-blocker such as dnscrypt-proxy-blocklist. To do this, you can download the blocklist from the official website and place it in the same directory as your dnscrypt-proxy configuration file.
  3. Once you have the blocklist downloaded, you can edit your dnscrypt-proxy configuration file and add the following lines to the file:
blocklist = path/to/blocklist
blocklist_strict = 1
  1. Restart dnscrypt-proxy to apply the changes by running the following command:
sudo service dnscrypt-proxy restart
  1. You can test if the ad-blocker is working by running a test on a known ad-serving domain, and make sure it’s blocked.
  2. To make the blocklist more effective you can use a third-party blocklist that is updated regularly and contains a larger number of domains.
  3. Additionally, to improve the security of your DNS queries, you can use a public dnscrypt-proxy resolver that is trustworthy and provides a good level of privacy.

Note: Please keep in mind that dnscrypt-proxy and ad-blocker are not a replacement for a full-featured ad-blocker and privacy software, they just add an extra layer of protection to your dns queries.

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