CentOS / RHEL: dnf Command Reinstall Package

You can reinstall a package on a system running CentOS or RHEL using the dnf command. The dnf command is a package manager for RPM-based Linux distributions, such as CentOS and RHEL.

Here’s an example of how to reinstall a package using the dnf command:

sudo dnf reinstall package_name

This command will reinstall the package named “package_name”.

You can also use the --allowerasing option to allow the package to be reinstalled even if it will cause other packages to be removed.

sudo dnf reinstall --allowerasing package_name

You can also use the -y option to automatically answer yes to any prompts.

sudo dnf reinstall -y package_name

Please note that reinstalling a package will overwrite any existing configuration files and data, it’s always a good idea to backup your important data before reinstalling the package.

It’s always a good idea to check the dnf website for the latest version and other options.

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