How to stop cat command in Linux

You can stop the cat command in Linux by sending an interrupt signal (CTRL + C) to the terminal where the command is running.

When you press CTRL + C it sends an interrupt signal to the process running in the terminal. This signal causes the process to terminate immediately.

Alternatively, you can also stop the cat command by sending the kill command with the process ID (PID) of the cat command. You can find the PID of a process by using the ps command, and then use the kill command to stop it.

ps -ef | grep cat
kill <PID>

Please note that the kill command terminates the process abruptly, so it’s recommended to check the process before killing it to ensure you are not killing an important process.

It’s also important to keep in mind that stopping the cat command won’t remove the content that has already been displayed in the terminal.

It’s always a good idea to check the man pages of the command or the Linux website for the latest version and other options.

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