7 Best Free And Paid Blockchain Platforms

7 Best Free And Paid Blockchain Platforms


Software used to secure transactions in a public database where each transaction verifies the previous.
– Execute verified, approved, time-stamped transactions.
– Document and track exchanges in a database.
– Prevent fraudulent activities by freezing unverified transactions.
– Implement transaction verification for cryptocurrency and other applications, such as IoT, e-commerce, and insurance claims.


1. Ripple – https://ripple.com/
2. Ethereum – https://ethereum.org/
3. Alibaba Cloud – https://www.alibabacloud.com/products/baas
4. Immutable – https://www.immutable.com/
5. Polkadot – https://polkadot.network/
6. Quorum – https://consensys.net/quorum/
7. Algorand – https://www.algorand.com/what-we-do/technology/algorand-protocol


Website – https://www.gomahamaya.com/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/gomahamaya
Twitter – https://twitter.com/gomahamaya


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