7 Best Free And Paid Data Labeling Platforms

7 Best Free And Paid Data Labeling Platforms


Software used to annotate training data for machine learning models.
– Employ human annotators or trained algorithms to tag datasets.
– Annotate image, text, video, and audio training data.
– Measure labeling accuracy of human and machine annotators.
– Use training data to validate and operationalize AI models.


1. Appen – https://appen.com/
2. Scribe Labeler – https://www.clarifai.com/products/scribe-data-labeling-platform
3. SuperAnnotate – https://superannotate.com/annotation-tool/
4. Labelbox – https://labelbox.com/
5. Prodigy – https://prodi.gy/
6. PiLog Group – https://www.piloggroup.com/preferred-records.php#0
7. Roboflow – https://roboflow.com/annotate


Website – https://www.gomahamaya.com/
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