7 Best Free And Paid Big Data Processing & Distribution Software

7 Best Free And Paid Big Data Processing & Distribution Software


Software used to simplify and organize massive amounts of unstructured data and computation.
– Collect, store, manage, and distribute data.
– Group similar clusters of data and segment related information.
– Maintain and decipher complex datasets.
– Generate and pull data for analysis.


1. Dataflow – https://cloud.google.com/dataflow/
2. PacketWolf™ – https://www.parsons.com/products/packetwolf/
3. Alibaba Cloud – https://www.alibabacloud.com/products/emapreduce
4. Hadoop – http://hadoop.apache.org/
5. Supermom Business – http://www.welovesupermom.com/business
6. Snowplow – https://snowplow.io/
7. iasDB – https://www.canias40.com/en/bigdata


Website – https://www.gomahamaya.com/
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