7 Best Free And Paid Idea Management Software

7 Best Free And Paid Idea Management Software



Software used to collect, systemize, and refine ideas for business products and services.
– Enable employees, customers, and stakeholders to submit suggestions
– Create a centralized and categorized database of crowdsourced ideas
– Provide mechanisms for collaboration, voting, and feedback on ideas
– Track idea implementation and success metrics


1. SAP – https://www.sap.com/uk/products/innovation-management.html
2. SoftServe – https://innov.center/
3. Strategyzer – https://www.strategyzer.com/app
4. Medallia – https://www.medallia.com/platform/ideas/
5. Neudesic – http://neudesic.com/
6. Aha! Ideas – https://www.aha.io/ideas/overview
7. Minitab – https://hubs.ly/H0JRtpl0


Website – https://www.gomahamaya.com/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/gomahamaya
Twitter – https://twitter.com/gomahamaya

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