7 Best Monitoring Tools For NodeJS Application

7 Best Monitoring Tools For NodeJS Application



This must be a difficult situation to be in. Over the years, NodeJS has become a popularly used JavaScript framework for rapid micro-service and API development. (https://lapeerhealth.com/) With workloads running on NodeJS, it becomes crucial to have the right monitoring for essential metrics.


1. PM2 – https://pm2.keymetrics.io/
2. Sematext – https://sematext.com/spm/
3. Better Uptime – https://betterstack.com/better-uptime/
4. Appmetrics – https://github.com/RuntimeTools/appmetrics
5. Raygun – https://raygun.com/nodejs
6. Express Status Monitor – https://github.com/RafalWilinski/express-status-monitor
7. ClinicJS – https://clinicjs.org/



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