7 Tools to Secure NodeJS Applications from Online Threats

7 Tools to Secure NodeJS Applications from Online Threats


In this video, I am going to walk you through some of the best tools to secure NodeJS applications and make them more secure. A node.js core is secure, but when you install third-party packages, the way you configure, install and deploy may require additional security to protect web applications from hackers. To get an idea, 83% of Snyk users found one or more vulnerabilities in their applications. Snyk is one of the popular node.js security scanning platforms.

1. Synk – https://snyk.io/
2. Jscrambler – https://jscrambler.com/
3. Cloudflare WAF – https://www.cloudflare.com/waf/
4. Helmet – https://github.com/helmetjs/helmet
5. Sqreen – https://www.sqreen.com/
6. N|Solid – https://nodesource.com/products/nsolid
7. Rate Limit Flexible – https://github.com/animir/node-rate-limiter-flexible


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