7 Best Free And Paid Sustainability Software

7 Best Free And Paid Sustainability Software

environmental impact of an organization and evaluate sustainability performance.
– Monitor resources and identify inefficiencies
– Manage compliance with environmental regulations and standards
– Analyze data and generate reports on sustainability performance
– Evaluate harmful production impact (e.g. carbon emissions and energy usage)


1. OpenBlue – https://www.johnsoncontrols.com/openblue/net-zero-buildings
2. Clarity Al – https://clarity.ai/
3. Persefoni – https://persefoni.com/
4. Plan A – https://plana.earth/product
5. Electricity Maps – https://app.electricitymaps.com/map
6. FAMIS 360 – https://www.accruent.com/solutions/energy-sustainability-management/utilities-management-famis-360
7. C3 AI – https://c3.ai/products/c3-ai-energy-management/


Website – https://www.gomahamaya.com/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/gomahamaya
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