7 Best Free And Open Source Simulation Software

7 Best Free And Open Source Simulation Software



The simulation software helps us in foreseeing the potential risks involved with the particular operation before actually taking it into action. Being extremely useful; it is being used by many industries these days to understand the factors through which the problems in the process or any system can be detected and resolved.


1. OpenModelica – https://openmodelica.org/
2. OpenSimulator – http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Main_Page
3. Logisim – http://www.cburch.com/logisim/
4. Opensurgsim – http://www.opensurgsim.org/
5. Opensim – https://opensim.stanford.edu/index.html
6. GNS3 – https://gns3.com/software
7. IMUNES – http://imunes.net/


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