7 Best Free And Open Source School Administration Software

7 Best Free And Open Source School Administration Software


In this video, I’m going to show you some of the best free and open source school administration software and help you find the perfect one for your school. I’ve included all of the installation files in this video so that you can find a solution that matches the needs of your school the best.


1. Fedena – https://fedena.com/
2. feKara – https://fekara.com/
3. Gibbon – https://gibbonedu.org/
4. OpenSIS – https://www.opensis.com/
5. SchoolTool – https://www.mindex.com/schooltool
6. RosarioSIS – https://www.rosariosis.org/
7. OpenEduCat – https://openeducat.org/


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