7 Best Free And Paid Online Proctoring Software

7 Best Free And Paid Online Proctoring Software


Software used to ensure the integrity of remotely administered online exams.
– Verify examinee identity and monitor behavior during testing.
– Lock applications to prevent access to unauthorized content.
– Use real-time video or proctor post-review of automated flags.
– Protect exam content from distribution and report on violations.


1. Mercer – https://mettl.com/online-remote-proctoring
2. Proctortrack – https://www.proctortrack.com/
3. Talview – https://www.talview.com/online-proctoring-software
4. neoExam – https://neoexam.io/
5. ExamSoft – https://examsoft.com/solutions/examsoft-platform
6. Center Based Exam – https://www.conductexam.com/center-based-online-test-software
7. DigiPrima – https://www.digiprima.com/online-exam-software


Website – https://www.gomahamaya.com/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/gomahamaya
Twitter – https://twitter.com/gomahamaya

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