7 Best Free And Open Source Logistics Software

7 Best Free And Open Source Logistics Software


Logistics means the flow of things from the point of origin to the consumption by customers or businesses. Logistic management is the part of the supply chain that employs the process of planning and implementation that helps in storing and delivering goods and services to the customers.

1. OpenTCS – https://www.opentcs.org/en/index.html
2. OpenLMIS – https://openlmis.org/
3. Open Door Logistic Studio – https://www.opendoorlogistics.com/software/odl-studio/
4. OpenMAINT – https://www.openmaint.org/en
5. CargoApps –
6. Shipping Easy – https://shippingeasy.com/
7. Linbis – https://www.linbis.com/


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