7 Best Free And Open Source Learning Management System Software

7 Best Free And Open Source Learning Management System Software


A generally addressed LMS system makes advanced training easy and accessible. LMS is an application that can be deployed for the administration, management, and delivery of educational programs, training programs, or development programs. On any device, you can create, distribute, and track from anywhere by making use of LMS.


1. Moodle – https://moodle.com/
2. TalentLMS – https://www.talentlms.com/
3. Forma LMS – https://www.formalms.org/
4. ILIAS – https://www.ilias.de/
5. OpenOLAT – https://www.openolat.com/
6. SAKAI – https://www.sakailms.org/
7. Dokeos – https://www.dokeos.com/


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