7 Best Free And Paid Infrastructure As A Service

7 Best Free And Paid Infrastructure As A Service



Software used to provide cloud-hosted access to storage, networking, servers, and other IT infrastructure on a pay-as-you-go model.
– Use cloud-based resources that provide computing, virtualization, servers, storage, and networking
– Employ hypervisors to run virtual machines and scale to requirements
– Track usage and performance in real time


1. Amazon EC2 – https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/
2. Google Compute Engine – https://cloud.google.com/compute
3. Open Telekom Cloud – https://open-telekom-cloud.com/en
4. IBM Power Systems: Enterprise servers – http://ibm.biz/PowerSystemsEnterpriseServers
5. IT Infrastructure – https://www.rahisystems.com/solutions/facilities-infrastructure/
6. Cloud Server – https://www.omandatapark.com/product/cloud-server/
7. Edge Services – https://edgeuno.com/iaas/


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