7 Best Free And Open Source File Sharing Software

7 Best Free And Open Source File Sharing Software


If you’re looking for the best free and open source alternatives to popular commercial software, this video has you covered. I’ve chosen 7 of the most promising open source file sharing software for your selection and overview. (davidsinstruments.com)


1. FileZilla – https://filezilla-project.org/versions.php
2. HFS – http://www.rejetto.com/hfs/
3. Arbore – https://arbo.re/
4. ProjectSend – https://www.projectsend.org/
5. Ares Galaxy – http://www.ares.net/
6. Limewire – http://www.freelimewiredownload.net/
7. StrongDC++ http://strongdc.sourceforge.net/index.php


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