7 Best Free And Open Source Employee Scheduling Software

7 Best Free And Open Source Employee Scheduling Software


Employee Scheduling Software is a digital suite of applications and tools which replaces the manual employee scheduling process with a nimble, agile, and multi-faceted employee scheduling solution. Employee shift scheduling software reduces managers’ burden to develop constant rosters by automating the scheduling process as per given criteria, per employee.


1. Opta Planner – https://www.optaplanner.org/
2. TimeTrex – https://www.timetrex.com/payroll
3. FindMyShift – https://www.findmyshift.com/us/
4. 7Shifts – https://www.7shifts.com/
5. HomeBase – https://joinhomebase.com/
6. Sling – https://getsling.com/
7. OpenSimSim – https://opensimsim.com/


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