7 Best Free And Open Source Electrical Design Software

7 Best Free And Open Source Electrical Design Software


Electrical design plans can be as simple as connecting a few light bulbs and as complex as building the power system for a huge manufacturing unit. The main purpose of preparing electrical design plans is to ensure that the entire power system in infrastructure is safe and efficient enough to keep the energy costs low.


1. QElectroTech – https://qelectrotech.org/
2. FreePCB – https://www.freepcb.com/
3. TinyCAD – https://www.tinycad.net/
4. XCircuit – http://opencircuitdesign.com/xcircuit/
5. Circuitmaker – https://circuitmaker.com/
6. KiCad – https://www.kicad.org/
7. SimulIDE – https://www.simulide.com/p/home.html


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