7 Best Free And Open Email Marketing Software Tools

7 Best Free And Open Email Marketing Software Tools


The Software helps you in conducting email marketing and advertising campaigns and helps you get in touch with customers and potential customers directly. Writing emails is quite tasking as time has become a very valuable resource when it comes to businesses and enterprises. The tools help integrate all email functions in one place along with automation of the mail sending process as well as responses for common replies and queries from customers and subscribers.


1. Mautic – https://www.mautic.org/
2. List Messenger – https://www.listmessenger.com/
3. phpList – https://www.phplist.com/
4. OpenEMM – https://www.agnitas.de/en/e-marketing_manager/email-marketing-software-variants/openemm/
5. MailChimp – https://mailchimp.com/en-gb/
6. SendBlaster – https://www.sendblaster.com/
7. GNU Mailman – http://list.org/


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