7 Best Digital Experience Platforms

7 Best Digital Experience Platforms


Digital Experience Platforms are the new buzzwords in the Digital Marketing world. In this video, I am going to show you 7 of the best and most popular platforms in the market.


1. Bloomreach – https://www.bloomreach.com/en
2. SiteGlide – https://www.siteglide.com/
3. Xperience – https://xperience.io/
4. Sitecore – https://www.sitecore.com/products/sitecore-experience-platform
5. Progress – https://www.progress.com/sitefinity-cms/dxp
6. Core dna – https://www.coredna.com/
7. Acquia – https://www.acquia.com/
8. Liferay – https://www.liferay.com/products/dxp
9. Zesty – https://www.zesty.io/
10. Neptune –  https://www.neptune-software.com/neptune-dxp/


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