10 Alpine Linux apk Command Examples

Here are 10 examples of using the apk command in Alpine Linux:

  1. Search for a package:
apk search [package-name]
  1. Install a package:
apk add [package-name]
  1. Upgrade an installed package:
apk upgrade [package-name]
  1. Remove an installed package:
apk del [package-name]
  1. Update the list of available packages:
apk update
  1. Show information about an installed package:
apk info [package-name]
  1. List all installed packages:
apk info -v
  1. Add a repository:
apk add repository [repository-url]
  1. Remove a repository:
apk del repository [repository-url]
  1. Show version information:
apk version

These are just a few examples of the many commands available with the apk tool. It is the main package management tool in Alpine Linux, and is used to install, upgrade, and manage packages on your system.


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